Saturday, 23 November 2024

November 2024

Haseeb and Tanya both presented talks at the one-day BSDB Autumn Meeting Mechanisms of Septation Tissue Fusion in Development and Disease at King's College London, organised by Joe Rainger and Jeremy Green.

Haseeb also presented a talk of his computational image analysis work at the Royal Microscopy Society Meeting Frontiers in Bioimaging, held in Oxford.

Nick attended the PicoQuant 20th International Course Principles and Applications of Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectroscopy in Berlin, Germany.

Nicole presented a poster of her summer research project, supervised by Haseeb, at the Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) Showcase at The Octagon.  The Showcase is an annual exhibition and celebration of all the research completed by SURE students over the previous summer.

Tanya visited the Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, as external examiner for Gemma Sutton, who defended an excellent PhD thesis.  The following day Tanya gave a seminar, hosted by Professor Steffen Scholpp, and spent the day discussing science with friends and colleagues.

Tanya, Sarah and Nahal ran a successful MSc practical, teaching students how to design and microinject CRISPR reagents into zebrafish embryos, and analyse the results by PCR and restriction digest.